Sacramento Deserves Better Leadership

Dismantling our racist criminal justice system by holding Sacramento County’s Sheriff and District Attorney accountable

Let’s Get to Work

Here are things we can do right now to make a change


The DA and Sheriff are trying to increase their contribution limits from $4700 to $25,000 Help us stop DARK MONEY and SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS!


Selecting new leaders to endorse should be a decision made together with the community so we need you to get involved at every level.

Sign the Petition

Keep the pressure on her. Let Sacramento County DA Schubert know that her days are numbered by signing the recall petition.

Register to Vote

Achieving Racial Justice is only possible if we all show up to make our voices heard. In these contentious times, voting is more important than ever.

We are a coalition of concerned citizens seeking to dismantle institutionalized racism within our local criminal justice system by electing a progressive D.A. and Sheriff. Together we can build a more equitable community.

We are Sacramento Change Coalition

We are a coalition of concerned citizens seeking to dismantle institutionalized racism within our local criminal justice system by electing progressive D.A. and Sheriff candidates.

We are Sac Change Coalition


Sacramento needs a D.A. that’s here for the People

Racist cops are protected by a corrupt district attorney. The Sac County D.A. has failed to prosecute killer cops, despite over 50 officer shootings in the last six years. Sacramento county locks up far more Black & brown folks than other counties, and the D.A. has massive power over who is protected and who is prosecuted. In this hostile Trump era, when we’re seeing a resurgence of racially coded “Law & Order” tactics and violent persecution of immigrant families, the D.A. election is one of the most important to show up for.

Our Sheriff is a world-class asshole

Dubbed the ‘Worst Sheriff in a Generation’ Sacramento County Sheriff Scott “Mini Trump” Jones has protected employees who have killed Black and brown community members, sexually harassed coworkers, blocked inspector general investigations into use of force, refused to release records of police misconduct, opened up the county jails to the exploitative Netflix reality tv show “Jailbirds”, run a jail system that lost a lawsuit for inhumane conditions, and is now causing the systematic defunding of community-based services in the county.

Our Sheriff is a world-class asshole

Dubbed the ‘Worst Sheriff in a Generation’ Sacramento County Sheriff Scott “Mini Trump” Jones has protected employees who have killed Black and brown community members, sexually harassed coworkers, blocked inspector general investigations into use of force, refused to release records of police misconduct, opened up the county jails to the exploitative Netflix reality tv show “Jailbirds”, run a jail system that lost a lawsuit for inhumane conditions, and is now causing the systematic defunding of community-based services in the county.

D.A. Anne Schubert Protects Killer Cops


Since 2014, the Sac County D.A. has failed to prosecute over 50 officer-involved shootings, including 32 that lead to death


The Sac County D.A. is three times more likely to charge a black youth as an adult than a white one


Ann Schubert has taken over $200,000 in donations from law enforcement organizations, including while investigating the police killing of Stephon Clark

Sheriff Scott Jones is her Partner in Crime

Sheriff’s department cleared only 9.3% of the sexual assaults they investigated, well below the statewide clearance rate of 35.9%. Unsurprising considering Scott “Mini Trump” Jones has been accused of Sexual Assault himself


The Sheriff’s department has cost taxpayers over 100 million dollars in lawsuits for their culture of misogyny, sexual assault lawsuits, and egregious human rights abuses in the jails


Scott Jones has received over $63,000 in “gifts” from vendors and bidders, only to turn around and award them $11,000,000 in county contracts JUST LIKE A GRIFTER

We need a D.A. that will Stand Up for the Community. We need a People’s D.A.

Identify, Endorse and Elect Better Leadership

Sacramento has an opportunity to elect a progressive D.A. candidate in 2022. Over-policing and criminalizing the most vulnerable of us doesn’t keep us safe. That’s why the Sac Change Coalition is working to identify, endorse, and elect better leadership for Sacramento. We don’t want to go at it alone. We need your help. Selecting new leaders should be a decision we make together as a community, so we need you to get involved at every level.

“If there’s one thing we know about our criminal justice system- it’s not blind. It discriminates based on the color of your skin. We have a criminal justice system that treats people that are rich and guilty a hell of a lot better than it treats people that are poor and innocent.”

-Governor Gavin Newsom

“If there’s one thing we know about our criminal justice system- it’s not blind. It discriminates based on the color of your skin. We have a criminal justice system that treats people that are rich and guilty a hell of a lot better than it treats people that are poor and innocent.”
-Governor Gavin Newsom

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Phase 2


Phase 3


Phase 1



Phase 2


Phase 3


Black Lives Matter 

Black Lives Matter 

Black Lives Matter